Congratulations to our Locum Tracey!

Monday 7th March 2016


Tracey, a Physiotherapist from Perth, Australia has been recognised as our Locum of the Month this March for her amazing dedication to every placement she has been in since joining us early last year.

Her continuous hard work and passion for her clients has resulted in us receiving some amazing feedback from her placements as well as from her Consultant Theo here at JustPhysio.

‘It is always a delight hearing feedback about Tracey, she is such a wonderful person and it’s a great pleasure to work with her. ’ Says Theo.

We thought we would ask Tracey some questions about her work…

Current Locum position? Band 6, MSK

Personal achievements within the role?
Developing the ability to quickly adapt to working between different Trusts with short notice, picking up and managing full caseloads. This has improved how well I am able to think on my feet.

What do you enjoy about being a locum?
I really enjoy the opportunity to work in many fields of Physiotherapy – this has really helped me narrow down what I want to specialise in later in my career. Building upon my skill and knowledge base from discipline to discipline has been invaluable.

Also the flexibility of contracts allows plenty of time to travel Europe!

Most memorable moment within your career?
I have many! The ones that stick with me most are when working with the elderly after having a fall, either in the acute inpatient setting or later in the community. Too often a serious fall can be the cause of a rapid decline in health and increased morbidity. Working with this population to help avoid placement into a care facility, improving their mobility, returning them to their own homes and retaining their independence and quality of life are the most memorable and rewarding moments.

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?
1.) A good book
2.) Good wine
3.) iPod filled with John Legend songs