Locum of the Month

Wednesday 28th March 2012


Each month JustPhysio would like to recognise one of our locums for their personal achievement and commitment to the Physiotherapy Service!

Name: Catherine Warren

Profession: Physiotherapist

Where are you from? Ireland

Current Locum position? Reablement Assistant

What do you enjoy about your job? In the particular role I am in at the moment I really enjoy working in the community. I haven’t done this before and I like the variety it brings. It can cover lots of areas; MSK, Neuro, Orthopaedic, as well as the different patient personalities!

Personal achievements within your role? I realise how much my skills and knowledge are always improving through this role. I also notice being able to handle difficult situations that I previously would have struggled with.

How do you unwind from work? Usually listening to music or reading on the commute home will help, or if it takes more then a run or cycle in the evening works well.

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?
1.) My guitar
2.) My brother
3.) A book on how to survive when stranded on a desert island!