Locum of the Month - August 2015

Monday 10th August 2015


Each month JustPhysio would like to recognise one of our locums for their personal achievement and commitment to the Physiotherapy Service!

Name: Carmel

Profession: Physiotherapy

Where are you from? Barnet, Herts

Current Locum position? B6 MSK

Personal achievements within the role? Every time you make a difference to someone's pain that's an achievement... whether that's through education, reassurance, manual therapy or guiding someone through rehab....... hopefully you are achieving something every single day.

What do you enjoy about being a locum? The freedom to move around, work with different people and learn from different people.

Most memorable moment within your career? During my rotations, being called to A&E in the middle of the night to suction a lady with MS who had an aspiration pneumonia. Going in the next day and seeing that her oxygen saturations had continued to improve is about as satisfying as it gets.

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?
1.) A hammock
2.) Sun tan lotion
3.) A good book