Each month JustPhysio would like to recognise one of our locums for their personal achievement and commitment to the Physiotherapy Service!
Name: Mark Hammerman
Profession: Physiotherapist
Where are you from? ESSEX!!!
Current Locum position? Senior Physiotherapist (Band 6) Intermediate Care and Rapid Response Services
Personal achievements within the role? Achieving consistently the highest patient contacts of all therapists in the service for the last 6 months.
What do you enjoy about being a locum? The ability to work within a wide range of fields and settings and experience how healthcare is provided by different trusts and services.
Most memorable moment within your career? Achieving goals of access community services with a patient who had not been outdoors in 20 years!
If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?
1.) The book Papillion by Henri Charriere – a must read for anyone plotting an escape!
2.) The Shantaram by Gregory Davis Robert. I’m thinking I will have plenty of time on my hands on this island so this book should waste a few long hours!
3.) Peanut butter – crunchy! One must eat.