Each month we like to recognise one of our locums for their outstanding hard work within their profession, and this month we are delighted to celebrate the commitment of Balaji.
Working with us since July, Balaji has received continuously excellent feedback from his managers and has also impressed our JustPhysio consultant Alison, who commented on what a pleasure it is to work with him.
Get to know more about our Locum of the Month…
Personal achievements within the role?
My interest has always been in rehabilitation. My current role in the Community Physiotherapy Service is to provide intensive physiotherapy treatment to clients to regain the best possible level of independence and also to continue rehabilitation at home once discharge from unit and provide the type of support to each client’s particular needs.
To work closely with a range of MDT members in the community services and to achieve maximum rehabilitation for patients to prevent hospital admission.
What do you enjoy about being a locum?
• Flexible working hours. As a freelance physiotherapist, I can have more control over where and when I want to work.
• It also allows me a chance to see different ways of working with different teams.
• I feel the best benefit I’ve gained from my years as a locum is confidence, you have to be able to get right in there and start, talk to people and from this I’ve learnt a lot.
Most memorable moment within your career?
When I first received my award for:
• Best Employer of the hospital year 2003 in Sagar Apollo Hospital, Bangalore, India.
• Received Star of the Month award in Pennine Care, NHS Trust in January 2016.
If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?
1.) Flint Stones
2.) Favourite photo of my family.
3.) iPod with my favourite music collections