Physiotherapist Marcus from Bradford has been recognised as our Locum of the Month this September for his exceptional hard work and dedication to his profession.
Currently within a DME role, Marcus has shown great passion for his work and this has been reflected in some of the outstanding feedback we have received so far.
Alison, his consultant here at JustPhysio favourably added, ‘Marcus is a pleasure to work with and has a great professional and caring attitude towards his work.’
Get to know a little more about Marcus…
Personal achievements within the role?
I feel I've really developed my multi-tasking skills working in a busy acute service! Working DME also gives you a great opportunity to utilise skills from different clinical areas and feed them into complex elderly presentations.
What do you enjoy about being a locum?
When me and my girlfriend came back from travelling earlier this year we both wanted to get back into Physio straight away and start saving up for our next trip! Locum work gives you this opportunity whilst meeting new people and picking the best bits out of every team you join!
Most memorable moment within your career?
Seeing an older chap in outpatient clinic for a few months and getting him well enough to start heading back to watching Leeds United matches. He was a season ticket holder and it was really getting him down not watching the home games!
If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?
1.) My acoustic guitar
2.) My iTunes library
3.) Wilson (from Castaway)