Physiotherapist Carla from Geraldton, Western Australia has been recognised as our Locum of the Month this May for her outstanding commitment to her profession.
Currently working within an acute medical band 6 role, Carla has been praised by her Recruitment Consultant Luke, who says “Carla is a lovely, friendly person. She is a great listener and has been very flexible when it come to her roles”.
Get to know more about Carla…
Personal achievements within the role?
Only one week in within the NHS and have converted from "2WW" to "RF".
What do you enjoy about being a locum?
The opportunities to gain experience across different trusts, departments and wards.
Most memorable moment within your career?
Tricky question, either every time I get to suction or first pay coming in.
If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 items would you take?
1.) Food
2.) A friend (either a builder/engineer/survivalist)
3.) Matches/lighter/flint.